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Blackboard entry by Naomi Devil

A Creative Pool project by Naomi Devil (Austria)

Dear Gestalten Team,

   my artist name is Naomi Devil, I`m living and working in Vienna as a painter and graphic designer. I´ve been to the university library today and by chance I picked two books from the hundreds from the shelf: Doppelganger and Art and Agenda. I was impressed by both of them and only recognized later that both books were produced by you.  I decided to google "Robert Klanten" and I landed here.

 I very much like the books you produce and would love to work together with you. I`m recently doing digital art (3d and photoshop) and painting, my main interest is the image of the self, hidden and forbidden identities, surface and depth of the human beeing. I uploaded some works into your database, but my website contains much more, please have a look.

I hope to collaborate with you in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Naomi Devil