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Blackboard entry by Mauricio Garrido

A Creative Pool project by Mauricio Garrido (Chile)


 Mauricio Garrido is born in Santiago, Chile , in 1974 .

This is one of the pieces of his latest exhibition at the Galería Animal, Santiago de Chile, in October this year, called The Temptation of St. Anthony, are large format collages made ​​with hundreds of pieces of paper taken from the books anatomy and zoology, represent contemporary man's body is invaded by images of unattainable pleasure.


The world of Mauricio Garrido is surreal, exuberant, complex and dark at the same time,

embracing diverse media like sculpture, collage, textile and video art. His work revises the codes of representation throughout the history of Art, and is particularly centered in the figure of Allegory as a method of synthesized narration. His artistic production has been exhibited in Europe, Asia and Latin-American.


His first pieces where large scale sculptures done with found objects and elements. After, he has continued exploring around other formats and materials, working in-depth with collage, until establishing a visual language that is unique and recognizable. The pieces of this area of his production are clear references to Hieronymus Bosch, Grunewald and Max Ernst.

Actually his work is part of the Museo Diego Rivera Anahuacalli permanent sculpture collection ,México City, and the singer Elton John art collection.


website: Flickr page