The Singapore Fling:An reminiscing look into DesignEDGE Conference & Expo 2005 The IdN produced DesignEDGE Conference & Expo was the kick-off event for the inaugural Singapore Design Festival 2005. The sheer size and scope of this festival, stretching for several weeks offered a tantalizing menu of activities. The speakers of DesignEDGE demonstrated precisely what it was that drove them to overturn the prevailing "rules of the game", and how they arrived at the inspiration to see things from a whole new perspective - that in turn inspired other creative spirits around the world. An unprecedented decision to divide the expo into a series of specialist pavilions, the expertise on display is clearly labeled: Art, Fashion, Interactive, Korean, Music, Print and Urban. The point of having them all gathered together under one inclusive roof is to show how complementary they are one to the other, and how misleading labels can be in this New Age of accommodation and cooperation. In this publication we capture this event’s essence and deliver the core messages of various designers, not to forget the complementary DVD containing exclusive interviews and behind the scenes footages. Check out at
Blackboard entry by IdN
A Creative Pool project by IdN
