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Blackboard entry by kevin hashizume

A Creative Pool project by kevin hashizume (United States)


we just finished a book on gang related typefaces.  the book is called "neighborhood offerings."  the lettering has been seen on the walls of los angeles since the 30's.  because of the explosion of graffiti in the late 70's, early 80's gang writing had also resurfaced again.  more neighborhoods had emerged, the style had also developed.  the books collection of type was collected by "Big Sleeps" and Jose "Prime k2s" Reza.  ( .  Big Sleeps is a tattoo artist currently working at willrise tattoo in hollywood but lately in europe where his lettering skills are respected and sought after.  Jose "prime k2s" Reza is a very well respected artist that is known for starting the los angeles style of graffiti where he blended gangster block lettering and graffiti from the east coast and fused it into a "futuristic gangster block."  they both have experienced the worst of what los angeles has to offer.  Gang violence had both of them left with bullets still in them.  Drug problems had developed from their injuries.  Less than satisfactory living conditions lead them to that revolving door known as the California correctional center... with not much left they turned to what they always did... draw...  recently our book was archived into The Getty Research Institute collection under typography.  day by day is how we do it.  sober and working with the skills that we got... i hope you can enjoy the lettering of this book cuz its really from the "hood/heart"... thank you for your time...  blessings...